Update: The event went-off, and a good time was had by all. Photos courtesy Stephen F. Trull, Jr., and Hae Min Cho. Scott Feeney won the swag pack full of books with a score ~400k.
Saturday, 7/21, I'm throwing a party for Mark Leidner to celebrate the publication of his collection of short stories, UNDER THE SEA, edited by Giancarlo DiTrapano and published by Tyrant Books. Joining Mark will be the poet Amanda Nadelberg and the sci-fi/dystopian/anthologist writer Nick Mamatas.
I've thrown a few events in the past with writers such as Matt Bell, Lisa Ciccarello, Ruth Galm, Tracey Knapp, Matthew Siegel, Michelle Adelman, Alicia Jo Rabins, and Siamak Vossoughi. Typically I've hosted at Alley Cat Books in the Mission, which has a really beautiful space in the back for events. It's always been a good time.
This time, though, I'm bringing it a little closer to home. FREE GOLD WATCH is a pinball arcade and screen printing shop here in the Upper Haight. I've been kicking around the idea of running a periodic series called FREE GOLD LIT. Tonight's the demo run of that idea. Bookstores in SF do a great job of throwing events. Particularly Green Apple Books on the Park and The Booksmith/Bindery, but I wonder if there might be more of an opportunity for writers to connect and form community over, say, large quantities of booze and pinball. (Just a theory.)
There will be some books for sale, and we'll also be giving away a swag pack of books for the high score of the night on the pinball machine FATHOM.
If you're in the Upper Haight on Saturday night, swing through. We'll be there from 7PM until 10PM.